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Rill 0.42 - Alerts, Bookmarks, Custom APIs

ยท 7 min read

โšก Rill Developer is a tool that makes it effortless to transform your datasets with SQL and create fast, exploratory dashboards. Rill Cloud can then help to enable shared collaboration at scale.

To try out Rill Developer, check out these instructions and join us over on Discord to meet the team behind the product as well as other users. In addition, once you have a project set up in Rill Developer, you can then deploy the project and collaborate with others / invite your team members by logging into Rill Cloud!

release-0 42


You can now add alerts for triggers on your data. Within a leaderboard/dimension you can open the alert modal and configure your settings. The first page is for configuring which metrics and dimension combinations should be part of the alert. The next page is for setting the alert thresholds - you can also use boolean logic for the alerts. Alerts will check as your data is refreshed.

For more details on configuration and use cases check out our alerts page.


We know customers want all metrics and dimensions in one place ... but also to create tailored views to make it easier to navigate and return to saved anlaysis. Bookmarks save the full combination of metrics, filters and dimensions (like a subset of your dashboard) as a quick way to return to the same page view. As an admin, you can also create shared bookmarks across your team. Finally, you can save just your filters settings (not the metric / dimension layout) to apply a filter set that you always use.

More details on bookmarks here.

Custom APIsโ€‹

Turning metrics into Custom API endpoints with just simple configuration? Write SQL and template in metrics and dimensions? Re-use security policies and supply custom parameters? Are we super super excited? YES! Together with Custom APIs you now have the possibility to consume your data and metrics from outside applications. Imagine setting up a slash command in Slack that triggers a lambda function that fetches yesterdays sales by sales person and posts it back to Slack. We are super excited to see what the community will build with this new possibility!

More Connectors - Redshiftโ€‹

We're always looking for more ways to bring data into Rill. This release includes a connector for Redshift - more details here on how to set up credentials and create sources from your Redshift data.

Easier Navigation of Timelinesโ€‹

In addition to zooming into a timeline, you can now pan to prior or next period. When hovering on a timeline - you'll see arrows on either side of the timeline that will pan to the same period before or after your current view. Now quickly jump to each period you need to analyze even faster!

Bug Fixes and Miscโ€‹

  • Fixed an issue where updates to dashboards were not always synced with the latest state when loading a pre-existing saved dashboard URL.
  • Updated CSP to allow static UI assets / iframes to be embedded from any domain.
  • Improved the aesthetic and readability of errors in leadership charts.
  • Added hardening to prevent potential race condition with expired JWTs that could lead to HTTP 401 errors in a dashboard when the user is idle and returns to the dashboard after an extended period of time.
  • Added search bar to the pivot table sidebar.
  • Added an option to prefill certain measures and dimensions from the dashboard settings.
  • Added some UX improvements to the pivot table when selecting / dropping targets or using the sidebar.
  • Adding support for additional predefined time range presets, including Yesterday, Previous Week Complete, Previous Month Complete, Previous Quarter Complete, and Previous Year Complete.
  • Adding support for configuring the default OLAP engine directly through rill.yaml and with rill env configure.
  • Added hardening to improve case sensitivity when validating dimension and measure names.
  • Added hardening to prevent dashboards from crashing with a TypeError in very specific corner cases when hovering over line charts.
  • Added hardening to prevent runtime panics from occurring when there is a missing rill.yaml in the project.
  • Added support for passing custom themes to an embedded dashboard (iframe).
  • Reverted and improved some UX designs related to the default header color of BigNumber and Leaderboard charts when themes are enabled.
  • Improved query cancellation in the backend when making multiple concurrent updates to a pivot table along with other general query cancellation improvements and hardening.
  • Upgraded Go version to v1.22.
  • Fixed bug where there could be a discrepancy between the percentage value shown in the dimension detail view and what the tooltip displays when hovering over the same value.
  • Improved UX where a long measure value could potentially extend or overrun the cell that it belongs to.
  • Improved UX to better maintain consistency of assigned comparison colors, including between line charts and dimension detail views.
  • Changed SameSite attribute for cookies to Lax.
  • Improved HTTP error handling to return cleaner and more clear messages.
  • Added support for the rill env push and rill env pull CLI commands to push variables / credentials from a local .env to a cloud project and pull already defined variables / credentials to a local .env (which is part of .gitignore).
  • Added hardening to prevent time dimension detail charts from hanging indefinitely when a request has failed and show an error state instead.
  • Added hardening to improve error handling by the runtime for cancelled queries.
  • Relaxed naming constraints to allow for periods and an expanded set of characters in object names (e.g. sources).
  • Added hardening to minimize scenarios where HTTP 429 errors could be triggered in a dashboard.
  • Improved handling of LowCardinality nullable data types when using the ClickHouse OLAP engine.
  • Improved backend error handling when the runtime doesn't find a column that it expects in a dashboard (for example - if a project wide default had been configured for timeseries).
  • Added support for pan interactions within dashboards via arrow icons and left-right keys so that users can quickly shift forwards or backwards on time series charts using the currently defined time period (e.g. current week, last week, the week before, etc.)
  • Fixed bug where a relative duckdb database file that was included in a subdirectory of the Git project couldn't be used by the DuckDB connector when the project has been deployed to Rill Cloud.
  • Added support for sorting by multiple measures when using a pivot table.
  • Improved and made more explicit available iframe options that can be configured through the API.
  • Improved how dimension and measure names are stored in the dashboard URL state.
  • Added tooltip in the Rill Cloud UI to display the full error message when hovering on the Status page.
  • Added hardening to improve the UI consistency to our chart components.
  • Added shorthands for configuring environment-specific overrides for the dev and prod environments.
  • Fixed the leaderboard column alignment so that the column values are better right-aligned (instead of left-aligned).
  • Fixed bug where having an incorrect condition could prevent a measure filter from being applied.