How to install Rill
Install Rill
You can install rill
using our installation script:
curl | sh
Verify that the installation succeeded:
rill --help
If you plan to share your dashboards, it is helpful to start by creating a repo in Git. Go to to create a new repo. Then, run the Rill install script in your cloned location locally to make deployment easier.
More details on deploying Rill via Git in our Deploy section.
Rill Version
You can check the current version of rill from the CLI by running:
rill version
Upgrade to the newest version
To ensure you're on the latest version of Rill, you can upgrade Rill Developer easily via the command line.
rill upgrade
Rill Cloud is always on the latest and stable version of Rill Cloud. To check the latest version available, please see our Releases page.
Nightly Releases
On both macOS and Linux, you can install the latest nightly build using the installation script:
curl | sh -s -- --nightly
If you previously installed Rill using brew
, the brew-managed binary will take precedent. You can remove it by running brew uninstall rill
What is nightly release?
The nightly release will give you the most up-to-date version of Rill without having to wait for the official release. As these releases are not fully ready for production, you may encounter some issues.
Installing a specific version of Rill
Rather than installing the latest version of Rill automatically, you can also install a specific version through the installation script by using the following command (e.g. v0.40.1
curl | sh -s -- --version <insert_version_number>
Rill on Windows using WSL
To install Rill on Windows, you'll first need to install WSL and one dependency in your WSL environment. To install WSL, please refer to Microsoft's documentation.
We have verified that Rill runs on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Other distributions and versions may work, but are not tested. You can install Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with the following PowerShell command:
wsl --install -d Ubuntu-22.04
Once you have installed WSL and logged in to your Linux instance, you just need to install the unzip
package to use Rill's curl
installer. This can be done from the Linux command line with the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unzip
With unzip
installed, you're ready to install Rill. Just run:
curl | sh