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Rill 0.48 - New Filter bar, ๐Ÿš€ Deploy from Rill Developer and Pivot from Timeseries

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โšก Rill Developer is a tool that makes it effortless to transform your datasets with SQL and create fast, exploratory dashboards. Rill Cloud can then help to enable shared collaboration at scale.

To try out Rill Developer, check out these instructions and join us over on Discord to meet the team behind the product as well as other users. In addition, once you have a project set up in Rill Developer, you can then deploy the project and collaborate with others / invite your team members by logging into Rill Cloud!

release-0 48

New Filter Barโ€‹

We have a brand new filter bar! It gives you an updated look but also makes the comparison selector and grain selector easier to find and use. We hope that you will love it as much as we do!

Deploy from Rill Developerโ€‹

It's now even easier to get started with Rill, you can now deploy your projects directly to Rill Cloud from within Rill Developer! Deploy your local project directly without having to connect to GitHub and later when you are ready for version controlled projects and auto-deploys you can easily connect your project to a GitHub repository.

In addition you can now also invite new team members directly from the Cloud UI without having to use the CLI with more user management enhancements coming in the near future!

Pivot from Timeseriesโ€‹

With just a click of a button you can now easily go from looking at metrics over time to bring them directly into a pivot table to further explore your metrics in a tabular format!

Bug Fixes and Miscโ€‹

  • Rebrand share-url changed to public-url in the CLI.
  • Depreciate ignore setting for dimension and measures.
  • Added login / signup in Rill Developer!
  • Added support for self-hosting local Rill Developer using --allowed-origins flag on start.
  • Added support of OpenAPI for custom APIs.
  • Added support for direct connection to Snowflake from Clickhouse.
  • Added ability to edit sub-path to GitHub repository of an existing project.
  • Added support for service accounts to deploy project.
  • Added support for URI field in dimensions.
  • Added DuckDB/MotherDuck to a source instead of OLAP engine.
  • Added support for model splits.
  • Added table component for custom dashboards.
  • Changed default repository creation setting to private from public.
  • Increased timeout for model materialize timeout to 60 minutes.
  • Improved error handling in Druid.
  • Improved logging for alerts and reports in Rill Cloud.
  • Improved scaling strategies for stability and auto scaling.
  • Improved user experience with last triggered timestamp, humanized values.
  • Improved surfacing errors on dashboard when timeseries has no data.
  • Improved handling of errors for deploying to Rill Cloud via the UI.
  • Improved user experience around redeploy to Rill Cloud via the UI.
  • Last triggered alert reference changed from executionTime to finishedOn.
  • Fixed issue where user is prompted for dsn when already defined.
  • Fixed issue on order of comparison measures in table export to match the user view.
  • Fixed issue with email invites erroring when the user's email has already been invited, will resend invite instead.
  • Fixed issue when changing comparison did not reset sorting.
  • Fixed issue when pushing certain files to GitHub, will ignore unnecessary files.
  • Fixed issue with metric-view casing which could cause issues in shareable URLs.
  • Fixed issue where browser deploys on interactive=false.
  • Fixed issue with --upload flag on deploy.
  • Fixed issue where ILIKE not supported, wil use LIKE.
  • Fixed issues surrounding deployment validation.
  • Fixed query rewrites for Druid.
  • Fixed issue for mock user's group check not detecting correctly.
  • Fixed issue where admin only dashboard could not be viewed via public-url.
  • Fixed Developer's mock user dropdown display issue.
  • Fixed allignment issue in the UI.
  • Fixed issue with orphaned reports and alerts continuing to send.
  • Fixed issue where dimension values were automatically formatted where not desired.