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rill start

rill start

Build project and start web app

rill start [<path>] [flags]


  -e, --env strings               Set environment variables
--environment string Environment name (default "dev")
--reset Clear and re-ingest source data
--no-open Do not open browser
--verbose Sets the log level to debug
--port int Port for HTTP (default 9009)
--port-grpc int Port for gRPC (internal) (default 49009)
--no-ui Serve only the backend
--debug Collect additional debug info
--log-format string Log format (options: "console", "json") (default "console")
--tls-cert string Path to TLS certificate
--tls-key string Path to TLS key file
--allowed-origins strings Override allowed origins for CORS

Global flags

      --api-token string   Token for authenticating with the cloud API
--format string Output format (options: "human", "json", "csv") (default "human")
-h, --help Print usage
--interactive Prompt for missing required parameters (default true)


  • rill - A CLI for Rill