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Explore Dashboard YAML

In your Rill project directory, create a explore dashboard, <dashboard_name>.yaml, file in the dashboards directory. Rill will ingest the dashboard definition next time you run rill start.


type — Refers to the resource type and must be explore (required).

metrics_view — Refers to the metrics_view resource (required).

title — Refers to the display name for the dashboard (required).

description - A description for the project. (optional).

dimensions - List of dimensions to include, defaults to *. (optional).

  • exclude - Inversely a list of dimensions to exclude. Will ignore include if exclude is specified. (optional).

measures - List of measures to include, defaults to *. (optional).

  • exclude - Inversely a list of measures to exclude. Will ignore include if exclude is specified. (optional).

defaults - defines the defaults YAML struct

  • time_range — Refers to the default time range shown when a user initially loads the dashboard. The value must be either a valid ISO 8601 duration (for example, PT12H for 12 hours, P1M for 1 month, or P26W for 26 weeks) or one of the Rill ISO 8601 extensions (default). If not specified, defaults to the full time range of the timeseries column (optional).

  • comparison_mode - comparison mode (optional).

    • none - no comparison
    • time - time, will pick the comparison period depending on default_time_range
    • dimension - dimension comparison mode
  • comparison_dimension - for dimension mode, specify the comparison dimension by name (optional).

  • dimensions - Provides the default dimensions to load on viewing the dashboard. (optional).

  • measures - Provides the default measures to load on viewing the dashboard. (optional).

Default Example:

defaults: #define all the defaults within here
- dim_1
- dim_2
- measure_1
- measure_2
time_range: P1M
comparison_mode: dimension #time, none
comparison_dimension: filename

time_ranges — Overrides the list of default time range selections available in the dropdown. Note that All Time and Custom selections are always available (optional).


- PT15M // Simplified syntax to specify only the range
- PT1H
- PT6H
- P7D
- range: P5D // Advanced syntax to specify comparison_offsets as well
- rill-PP
- rill-PW
- P4W
- rill-TD // Today
- rill-WTD // Week-To-date

time_zones — Refers to the time zones that should be pinned to the top of the time zone selector. It should be a list of IANA time zone identifiers. By adding one or more time zones will make the dashboard time zone aware and allow users to change current time zone within the dashboard (optional).

theme — Refers to the default theme to apply to the dashboard. A valid theme must be defined in the project. Read this page for more detailed information about themes (optional).

security - Defines a security policy for the dashboard (optional).

  • access - Expression indicating if the user should be granted access to the dashboard. If not defined, it will resolve to false and the dashboard won't be accessible to anyone. Needs to be a valid SQL expression that evaluates to a boolean (optional).