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ClickHouse is an open-source, column-oriented OLAP database management system known for its ability to perform real-time analytical queries on large-scale datasets. Its architecture is optimized for high performance, leveraging columnar storage and advanced compression techniques to speed up data reads and significantly reduce storage costs. ClickHouse's efficiency in query execution, scalability, and ability to handle even petabytes of data makes it an excellent choice for real-time analytic use cases.

Rill supports connecting to an existing ClickHouse instance and using it as an OLAP engine to power Rill dashboards built against external tables. This is particularly useful when working with extremely large datasets (hundreds of GBs or even TB+ in size).

Supported Versions

Rill supports connecting to ClickHouse v22.7 or newer versions.

Configuring Rill Developer with ClickHouse

When using ClickHouse for local development, you can connect via connection parameters or using the DSN. Both local instances of ClickHouse and Cloud are supported.

  1. Connect to an OLAP engine via Add Data. This will automatically create the clickhouse.yaml file in your connectors folder and populate the .env file with connector.clickhouse.password or connector.clickhouse.dsn depending on which you select in the UI.

# Connector YAML
# Reference documentation:

type: connector

driver: clickhouse
host: <HOSTNAME>
port: <PORT>
username: <USERNAME>
password: "{{ .env.connector.clickhouse.password }}"
ssl: true #required for ClickHouse Cloud


dsn: "{{ .env.connector.clickhouse.dsn }}"
  1. You can create/edit the .env file manually in the project directory and add connector.clickhouse.dsn
  2. If this project has already been deployed to Rill Cloud, you can try pulling existing credentials locally using rill env pull.
  3. You can pass in connector.clickhouse.dsn as a variable to rill start directly (e.g. rill start --env connector.clickhouse.dsn=...)
Getting DSN errors in dashboards after setting .env?

If you are facing issues related to DSN connection errors in your dashboards even after setting the connection string via the project's .env file, try restarting Rill using the rill start --reset command.

Connection string (DSN)

Rill is able to connect to ClickHouse using the ClickHouse Go Driver. An appropriate connection string (DSN) will need to be set through the connector.clickhouse.dsn property in Rill.

A very simple example might look like the following:


Check your port

In most situations, the default port is 9440 for TLS and 9000 when not using TLS. However, it is worth double checking the port that your ClickHouse instance is configured to use when setting up your connection string.

DSN properties

For more information about available DSN properties and setting an appropriate connection string, please refer to ClickHouse's documentation.

Connecting to ClickHouse Cloud

If you are connecting to an existing ClickHouse Cloud instance, you can retrieve connection details about your instance by clicking on the Connect tab from within the admin settings navigation page. This will provide relevant information, such as the hostname, port, and username being used for your instance that you can then use to construct your DSN.

ClickHouse Cloud connection string

Because ClickHouse Cloud requires a secure connection over https, you will need to pass in secure=true and skip_verify=true as additional URL parameters as part of your https URL (for your DSN):


Need help connecting to ClickHouse?

If you would like to connect Rill to an existing ClickHouse instance, please don't hesitate to contact us. We'd love to help!

Configuring Rill Cloud

When deploying a ClickHouse-backed project to Rill Cloud, you have the following options to pass the appropriate connection string to Rill Cloud:

  1. If you have followed the UI to create your ClickHouse connector, the password or dsn should already exist in the .env file. During the deployment process, this .env file is automatically pushed with the deployment.
  2. If connector.clickhouse.dsn has already been set in your project .env, you can push and update these variables directly in your cloud deployment by using the rill env push command.
  3. If you manually passed the connector when running rill start, you will need to use the rill env configure command to set connector.clickhouse.dsn onto Rill Cloud, as well.
Local ClickHouse Server

If you are developing on a locally running ClickHouse server, this will not be deployed with you project. You will either need to use ClickHouse Cloud or Managed ClickHouse.


Note that you must cd into the Git repository that your project was deployed from before running rill env configure.

Setting the default OLAP connection

Creating a connection to a OLAP engine will automatically add the olap_connector property in your project's rill.yaml and change the default OLAP engine to ClickHouse. Once this is changed, you'll notice that some of the UI features are removed as we currently do not support modeling and direct source ingestion in ClickHouse.

olap_connector: clickhouse
Interested in using multiple OLAP engines in the same project?

Please see our Using Multiple OLAP Engines page.

Reading from multiple schemas

Rill supports reading from multiple schemas in ClickHouse from within the same project in Rill Developer and all accessible tables (given the permission set of the underlying user) should automatically be listed in the lower left-hand tab, which can then be used to create dashboards.

Additional Notes

  • At the moment, we do not officially support modeling with ClickHouse, however this is available via a feature flag. If this is something you're interested in, please contact us.
  • For dashboards powered by ClickHouse, measure definitions are required to follow standard ClickHouse SQL syntax.
  • Because string columns in ClickHouse can theoretically contain arbitrary binary data, if your column contains invalid UTF-8 characters, you may want to first cast the column by applying the toValidUTF8 function (see ClickHouse documentation) before reading the table into Rill to avoid any downstream issues.