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You can write a SQL query and expose it as an API endpoint. This is useful when you want to directly write queries against a model or source that you have created. It should have the following structure:

type: api
sql: SELECT abc FROM my_table

where my_table is your model or source name.

SQL Templating

You can use templating to make your SQL query dynamic. We support:

  • Dynamic arguments that can be passed in as query params during api call using {{ .args.<param-name> }}
  • User attributes like email, domain and admin if available using {{ .user.<attr> }} (see integration docs here for when user attributes are available)
  • Conditional statements
  • Optional parameters paired with conditional statements.

See integration docs here to learn how to these are passed in while calling the API.

Conditional statements

Assume a API endpoint defined as my-api.yaml:

type: api
sql: |
SELECT count("measure")
{{ if ( .user.admin ) }} ,dim {{ end }}
FROM my_table WHERE date = '{{ }}'
{{ if ( .user.admin ) }} group by 2 {{ end }}

will expose an API endpoint like<org-name>/projects/<project-name>/runtime/api/my-api?date=2021-01-01. If the user is an admin, the API will return the count of measure by dim for the given date. If the user is not an admin, the API will return the count of measure for the given date.

Optional parameters

Rill utilizes standard Go templating together with Sprig which adds a number of useful utility functions.
One of those functions is hasKey which in the example below enables optional parameters being passed to the Custom API endpoint. This allows you to build API endpoints that can handle a wider range of parameters and logic, reducing need to duplicate API endpoints.

Assume a API endpoint defined as my-api.yaml:

FROM bids
{{ if hasKey .args "type" }} WHERE device_type = '{{ .args.type }}' {{ end }}
GROUP BY device_type

HTTP Get .../runtime/api/my-api would return overall_spend for all device_type's
HTTP Get .../runtime/api/my-api?type=Samsung would return overall_spend for Samsung

Useful resources