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Roles and Permissions

Access permissions in Rill Cloud are organized into roles at the organization and project level.

Role inheritance

Organization and project level roles are managed separately, but are connected in several ways:

  1. By default, all organization members (but not guests) are added to new projects through a user group membership with the viewer role. You can manually remove this relationship in the project's member settings.
  2. If you grant a project level role to someone who is not a member of the parent organization, they will automatically be added to the organization with the guest role.
  3. Removing an organization member or guest automatically also removes them from all projects in the organization.
  4. Organization admins implicitly have admin privileges on all projects in the organization.

Organization-level permissions

There are four roles available at the organization-level: Admin, Editor, Viewer and Guest.

read_orgView basic info about the organization
manage_orgChange organization settings
read_projectsView projects you're a member of in the organization
create_projectsCreate new projects in the organization
manage_projectsAct as an admin on all projects in the organization
read_org_membersView members of the organization
manage_org_membersAdd and edit non-admin organization members
manage_org_adminsAdd and edit organization admins

Project-level permissions

There are three roles available at the project-level: Admin, Editor, and Viewer.

read_projectView basic info about the project
manage_projectChange project settings
read_prodView dashboards deployed from the production (main) branch
read_prod_statusView logs for the production deployment
manage_prodTrigger actions on the production deployment
read_provisioner_resourcesView managed resources for the project
manage_provisioner_resourcesAdd or remove managed resources for the project
read_project_membersView members of the project
manage_project_membersAdd and edit non-admin project members
manage_project_adminsAdd and edit project admins
create_magic_auth_tokensCreate shareable URLs
manage_magic_auth_tokensRemove shareable URLs created by others
create_reportsCreate and edit new scheduled reports
manage_reportsEdit and change scheduled reports created by others
create_alertsCreate and edit new alerts
manage_alertsEdit and change alerts created by others
create_bookmarksCreate and edit new bookmarks
manage_bookmarksEdit and change bookmarks created by others