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3. Create Dashboard in Rill

Let's get started!

If you noticed in the previous screenshot, we had a table called uk_price_paid. This is a dataset that is used in ClickHouse's Learning portal so we thought it was fitting to go ahead and continue on this dataset.


In the case that you have not already added this table to your local or Cloud database, please follow the step on ClickHouse's site for the steps to do so!

Create dashboard

Let's create a dashboard based on the table via the generate dashboard via AI.

What are we looking at?

Returning back to the Metric view, select Edit Metrics in the UI, let's do a quick run through of the components within the dashboard.

type: metrics_view
title: UK Price Paid Metrics
table: uk_price_paid
timeseries: date


While we go into more details in our Rill Basics course and our documentation, let's go over it quickly.

Dimensions - These are our categorial columns that we can use on the dashboard to filter and slice;

Measures - These are our numerical aggregates defined in the metrics layer. We can see functions such as MAX(), COUNT(), and AVG() used on the underlying table.

Timeseries - This is our time column that is used on as our x-axis for graphs.

What can we do in Rill?

In our case, as we have generated this with AI so we can look through the description of the populated measures for more information. Based on this, we can find some specific information on the UK properties dataset at a glance, such as:

  1. In 2023, What was the minimum/maximum detached property sold in London? [46.5K, 65.0M]
  2. In 2023, What was the average price of deteached properties sold in London? How many? [2.5M, 981]


If we wanted to go further into details, we can even compare detached vs flat vs terraced properties using our compare feature. Based on the x-axis, we can drill down futher from the 2023 year into a specific month, week or even day.


Or, if you want to compare time periods 2022 to 2023's total transactions. In the below screenshot, we selected the Total Transactions metric and enable the time-compare feature to see the delta, delta percent of change from two time periods. img

These are just a few examples of what we can do with Rill, the options expand further and are discussed further in Rill Advanced. If you're interested I recommended reviewing the contents after finishing up this course.