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Create Explore Dashboards

In Rill, explore dashboards are used to visually understand your data with real-time filtering based on your defined dimensions and measures in your metrics view. In the explore dashboard YAML, you can define which measures and dimensions are visible as well as define the default view when a user sees your dashboard.


Starting in version 0.50, metrics views has been separated from explore dashboards. This allows for a cleaner, more accessible metrics layer and the ability to build various dashboards and components on top of a single metrics view. For more information on what a metrics view is please see: What is a Metrics View?

For migration steps, see Migrations.

  • metrics_view - A metrics view that powers the dashboard
  • measures - * Which measures to include or exclude from the metrics view, using a wildcard will include all.
  • dimensions - * Which dimensions to include or exclude from the metrics view, using a wildcard will include all.

When including dimensions and measures only the named resources will be included. Rill also supports the ability to exclude a set of named dimensions and measures.

type: explore

title: Title of your Explore Dashboard
description: a description for your explore dashboard
metrics_view: my_metricsview

dimensions: '*' #can use expressions
measures: '*' #can use expressions

defaults: #define all the defaults within here, was default_* in previous dashboard YAML
access: #only dashboard access can be defined here, other security policies must be set on the metrics view
Dashboard Properties

For more details about available configurations and properties, check our Dashboard YAML reference page.

Preview a Dashboard in Rill Developer

Once a dashboard is ready to preview, before deploying to Rill Cloud, you can preview the dashboard in Rill Developer. Especially if you are setting up dashboard policies, it is recommended to preview and test the dashboard before deploying.


Adding an additional parameter to your dimension in the metrics view can allow for clickable links directly from the dashboard.

- label: Company Url
column: Company URL
uri: true #if already set to the URL, also accepts SQL expressions


Multi-editor and external IDE support

Rill Developer is meant to be developer friendly and has been built around the idea of keystroke-by-keystroke feedback when modeling your data, allowing live interactivity and a real-time feedback loop to iterate quickly (or make adjustments as necessary) with your models and dashboards. Additionally, Rill Developer has support for the concept of "hot reloading", which means that you can keep two windows of Rill open at the same time and/or use a preferred editor of choice, such as VSCode, side-by-side with the dashboard that you're actively developing!
