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Partitions Models

Partitioned models are a special state of incremental models. Partitioned models are defined by defining a partition in the partitions key. Let's look at the following example.

type: model

sql: SELECT range AS num FROM range(0,10)
sql: SELECT {{ .partition.num }} AS num, now() AS inserted_on

Using the partitions key in the model's sql requires you to reference the partition and column name, {{.partition.<col_name>}}. For more information, please review the documentation on SQL based partitioned models.

In this simple example, we set up 10 partitions [range(0,10)] that have a single row with the same now() function as defined earlier. To confirm this we can run the following:

rill project partitions partitions_range --local
---------------------------------- ----------- ---------------------- --------- -------
ff7416f774dfb086006d0b4696c214e1 {"num":0} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 103ms
69401118e166742864f35f1a77ffe07d {"num":1} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
555ef019f87b5a57ec7b057476fe9d38 {"num":2} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
09a5530e62c87e41848a02680f4422d4 {"num":3} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
ecc2e2f9deb13509547ebcc2e5c55116 {"num":4} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
1e3ddd76525fefd5ac9989d9b6c4727e {"num":5} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
25684ad5ef8f1965b597edeeb8004afa {"num":6} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 1ms
8142d250d75d0a20883333c00c3962d5 {"num":7} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
0d6962a0746cb896ce87250808a50051 {"num":8} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
727d91a916260837579d5e42ad696dd9 {"num":9} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s

If you try to refresh a single partition, you'll receive the following error:

rill project refresh --model partitions_range --partition ff7416f774dfb086006d0b4696c214e1 --local          
Error: can't refresh partitions on model "partitions_range" because it is not incremental

Incremental Partitioned Model

Bringing both concepts together, we can create a incremental partitioned model.

type: model

sql: SELECT range AS num FROM range(0,10)
sql: SELECT {{ .partition.num }} AS num, now() AS inserted_on
incremental: true #enabling incremental model

# incremental_strategy: merge
# unique_key: [num]

Similarily to the above, let's run rill project partitions <model_name> --local again to get the key_ids.

rill project partitions partitions_range --local
---------------------------------- ----------- ---------------------- --------- -------
ff7416f774dfb086006d0b4696c214e1 {"num":0} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 103ms
69401118e166742864f35f1a77ffe07d {"num":1} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
555ef019f87b5a57ec7b057476fe9d38 {"num":2} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
09a5530e62c87e41848a02680f4422d4 {"num":3} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
ecc2e2f9deb13509547ebcc2e5c55116 {"num":4} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
1e3ddd76525fefd5ac9989d9b6c4727e {"num":5} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
25684ad5ef8f1965b597edeeb8004afa {"num":6} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 1ms
8142d250d75d0a20883333c00c3962d5 {"num":7} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
0d6962a0746cb896ce87250808a50051 {"num":8} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
727d91a916260837579d5e42ad696dd9 {"num":9} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s

Using the above information, we'll refresh the top partition.

rill project refresh --model partitions_range_incremental --partition ff7416f774dfb086006d0b4696c214e1 --local          
Refresh initiated. Check the project logs for status updates.

Then, rerun the partitions command to see that the EXECUTED ON columns has been updated.

rill project partitions partitions_range_incremental --local
---------------------------------- ----------- ---------------------- --------- -------
ff7416f774dfb086006d0b4696c214e1 {"num":0} 2024-11-12T22:18:55Z 3ms #note the updated date in this row
69401118e166742864f35f1a77ffe07d {"num":1} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
555ef019f87b5a57ec7b057476fe9d38 {"num":2} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
09a5530e62c87e41848a02680f4422d4 {"num":3} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
ecc2e2f9deb13509547ebcc2e5c55116 {"num":4} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
1e3ddd76525fefd5ac9989d9b6c4727e {"num":5} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
25684ad5ef8f1965b597edeeb8004afa {"num":6} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 1ms
8142d250d75d0a20883333c00c3962d5 {"num":7} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
0d6962a0746cb896ce87250808a50051 {"num":8} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
727d91a916260837579d5e42ad696dd9 {"num":9} 2024-11-12T20:12:54Z 0s
When to add a source refresh?

The above is a static model. The partition is defined by a set range(0,10) so there is no reason for us to put a automated refresh on this model. However, real data is likely not static and will require some sort of refresh when you push to Rill Cloud. In those cases, we highly recommened that you set a source refresh in the YAML to ensure that this model is up to date!

cron: "0 0 1 * *"

Now that we've gone over the basics, let's take a look at a more realistic example, our ClickHouse project.

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